Viscosity in liquids may be regarded as
that property which corresponds to elasticity in solid systems, and the
coefficient of viscosity is expected to show as many independent components as
the modulus of elasticity. For isotropic systems two components are expected.
These two components are denoted by η and ξ. The Stokes relationship
between the two coefficients, viz.
is compared with the
Cauchy-Poisson relationship between the two moduli of elasticity of an
isotropic solid, and is claimed as of no more general application.
Indeed, experience in sound absorption
leads to the conclusion that
and many measurements on
the viscosity of plastic materials appear tacitly to assume that
ζ, however, has a
finite value for systems which undergo a progressive change in density at
constant pressure. For such systems it is shown that the coefficient of
viscosity, as determined by a tensile testing method, while always less than
that as determined by torsion testing methods is greater than two-thirds of the
latter value. The bulk
viscosity, measured by the
bulk stress required to produce a progressive density change, is shown to be
related to the difference between the shear (or torsional) and the tensile (or
flexural) viscosities.
Measurements of all three viscosities
carried out on a specimen of solid carbon dioxide gives a satisfactory
agreement with the theory of small deformations. The values recorded are :
Coefficient of viscous traction 10.5 x 101� poises,
Torsional viscosity 4.2 x lof0
Bulk viscosity 5.4 x 1010 poises (measured),
or 7.0 x 10lU poises (computed).
Both flexural and torsional
flow curves are of the Bingham type. Corrected yield points are
6.9 x 106 baryes
for tensile stress
and 4.8 x 106 baryes for shear stress.
Cited by
3 articles.