Azria Diah,Bhalla Prem L.
In vitro plant regeneration from callus induced from
embryos of mature seeds of 4 Australian varieties of rice was studied.
Observations of callus induction on MS and N6 media indicated that MS medium
supplemented with 0.5–2 mg/L of 2,4-D is suitable for callus
formation from the varieties tested. Comparison of shoot initiation on medium
containing BAP, BAP + NAA, and TDZ + NAA indicated that these
varieties prefer BAP + NAA or TDZ + NAA in the shoot initiation
medium. Partial desiccation, resulting in up to 20% loss of fresh
weight of callus, significantly increased the regeneration frequency of the 4
rice varieties tested. The varieties showed varied response to number of
shoots produced per callus. Regenerated shoots were rooted on plant growth
regulator free medium. The plants regenerated were phenotypically normal and
fertile. Our study showed that callus derived from mature embryos of these
rice varieties are amenable to multiple shoot formation, and could be used for
genetic transformation studies.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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19 articles.