The present paper determines the status and range of forms in the genus
Climacteris Temminck (tree-creepers) formerly regarded as species; it also reviews
infraspecific variation, re-defines races, and is a detailed study of speciation in the
Climacteris is a most interesting genus in the information it yields with respect
to speciation, Forms occur that represent the full range of intermediate stages right
up to the one that has demonstrated its specific distinctness by secondarily contacting
the parental stock without interbreeding. The number of forms with the "potential"
of developing into new species is unusually high, 0.8 per species in Australia, or 1.5
for Australia and New Guinea combined, The fundamental isolating barriers are
tracts of arid country that cause extensive gaps in the habitats to which the various
species are adapted. This presupposes an initial climatic deterioration which isolated
remnant populations in "refuges", a theory that has already been introduced into
ornithology by Gentilli (1949), Mayr (1950), and Serventy (1951).
Climacteris differs from the related genus Neositta (nuthatches), studied by Mayr
(1950), for in the latter a secondary climatic improvement has led to an increase in
range and multiple hybridization. In Climacteris there is evidence of some secondary
spread but, with one exception, distinctive geographically representative forms are
still isolated.
Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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23 articles.