o-Alkoxy- and o-alkylthio-phenylcarbenes, generated by low-pressure pyrolysis in
the gas phase, show abstraction of 2H
across space to generate the corresponding o-tolyl
vinyl ethers or sulfides. In the case of o-ethoxyphenylcarbene,
deuterium labelling shows that this is a case of vicinal abstraction, not
geminal abstraction followed by 1,2-hydride shift. o-Methoxyphenylcarbene, however, is similarly shown to undergo
geminal hydrogen abstraction leading to o-tolyloxycarbene,
which undergoes a 1,2-aryl shift to give o-tolualdehyde.
Independent generation of aryloxycarbenes has been achieved by pyrolysis of
5-aryloxy-2,2-dimethyl-l,3-dioxan- 4,6-diones. The product carbenes show the
expected rearrangement as well as normal insertion reactions.
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20 articles.