Bunt JS,Williams WT,Clay HJ
It is well recognized that salinity is one of the major factors influencing the vegetation of mangrove swamps.
Nonetheless, knowledge of the limits of salinity tolerance is limited to a relatively few species. Accordingly,
observations were undertaken of the distributions of a number of mangrove species in a set of tidal rivers in
northern Queensland. River water salinity measurements were used as the frame of reference to the
observations. To the extent that generalizations are possible, tolerance of or adaptation to sea water
appeared to lie in a series as follows: Rhizophora stylosa; R . apiculata; Sonneratia alba; Ceriops tagal >
Aegiceras corniculatum; Bruguiera parviflora > Excoecaria agallocha; Rhizophora mucronata > Acrostichum
sp.; Heritiera littoralis; Nypa fruticans > Barringtonia sp.; Bruguiera sexangula; Sonneratia caseolaris;
(Hibiscus tiliaceus).
Plant Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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51 articles.