Poole WE,Wood JT,Simms NG
Apparently once widespread throughout dense thickets in south-western Australia, the tammar is now
much restricted in its distribution. On mainland Australia, isolated populations still persist in Western
Australia, but in South Australia, where there is little remaining evidence to confirm that it extended
beyond Eyre Peninsula, the wallaby is probably close to extinction. All originally recorded populations
on five islands in Western Australia remain, but in South Australia all natural island populations,
other than those on Kangaroo I., appear to be extinct.
Morphometric analyses of crania representative of most known populations provide a means of
assessing their relationships. Canonical variate analysis, the derivation of Mahalanobis distances and
subsequent calculation of minimum spanning trees supported the existence of affinities within three
major regional groups-a group predominantly from Western Australia, a group from Kangaroo and
Greenly Is, South Australia, and a group from New Zealand-all apparently related via a population
from Eyre Peninsula, presumably representative of a former widespread mainland population. By cranial
criteria, feral tammars established in New Zealand are South Australian in origin although probably
not introduced from Kangaroo I.
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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