The heartwood of a specimen
of Centrolobium tomentosum Benth
(Leguminosae) has given (–)-centrolobine (1a), (–)-de-O-methylcentrolobine
(1b), (–)-centrolobol (2), piceatannol (3)and the isoflavone
formononetin (4). The heartwood of a second Centrolobium species, which could not
be identified further at the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, yielded
(+)-centrolobine, (+)-de-O-methylcentrolobine, (+)-centrolobol, formononetin,
4',7-dihydroxyflavanone (5), 3-hydroxy-9-methoxypterocarpan (6) and minor
amounts of a new dihydric phenol. This was identified by n.m.r. and X-ray
diffraction measurements as 2-(2'-hydroxy-4'-methoxyphenyl)benzofuran-6-ol (8).
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49 articles.