Gream GE,Pincombe CF,Wege D
The oxidative decarboxylation of exo- and endo-bornane-2-carboxylic acid, exo- and endo-2,3,3-
trimethylnorbornane-2-carboxylic acid and a-campholenylcarboxylic acid [3-(2',2',3'-trimethyl-
cyclopent-3'-eny1)propanoic acid] with lead tetraacetate in benzene and dimethyl sulphoxide (each
containing pyridine) in the presence, and absence, of cupric acetate has been investigated. The mode
of formation of almost all the products can be satisfactorily rationalized in terms of the initial
generation of radicals. In the case of exo- and endo-bornane-2-carboxylic acid, the derived bornyl
radical forms organolead and organocopper derivatives that decompose in three ways: (1) by
heterolysis by the direct route to give the equilibrating isobornyl and camphenehydro cations,
(2) by a cyclic cis-elimination to give bornylene and (3) by an SNi process to give isobornyl and bornyl
acetates. exo- and endo-2,3,3-Trimethylnorbornane-2-carboxylic acid yield the 2,3,3-trimethyl-
norborn-2-yl radical which is converted into the equilibrating camphenehydro and isobornyl cations
either by one-electron oxidation by lead species or via organolead or organocopper derivatives
which undergo heterolysis. Processes involving cyclic cis-elimination and SNi substitution may also
operate in the organometallic derivatives derived from the tertiary radical.
a-Campholenylcarboxylic acid yields the a-campholenyl radical which, in the absence of cupric
acetate, undergoes in the main cyclization to give the 2,3,3-trimethylnorbornyl radical. The resulting
mixture of products is similar to that obtained from exo- and endo-2,3,3-trimethylnorbornane-2-
carboxylic acid. In the presence of cupric acetate, the a-campholenyl radical is trapped at least to
the extent of 50% in benzene and 80% in dimethyl sulphoxide to give the corresponding organo-
copper derivative which undergoes a cyclic elimination to give 2,3,3-trimethyl-4-vinylcyclopentene
and may undergo heterolysis by the x-route to give the camphenehydro and isobornyl cations.
A marked change in the composition of the products on changing the solvent from benzene to
dimethyl sulphoxide is observed only in the case of a-campholenylcarboxylic acid in the presence
of cupric acetate.
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22 articles.