Ockerby S. E.,Midmore D. J.,Yule D. F.
In earlier work, we found that the near complete defoliation of grain sorghum
[Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moenchmp;rsqb;
seedlings delayed panicle initiation and anthesis. Several aspects of the
required defoliation remain unclear, however, including which parts of the
seedling’s foliage need to be removed, the timing of defoliation, and
what effects differing defoliation treatments have on the morphology of plants
that re-form after defoliation is terminated. To answer these questions,
sorghum plants (cv. Boomer) grown under natural (c. 11.5
h) or extended (14 h) photoperiods were defoliated during the vegetative
development phase. Treatments removed the fully exposed leaf-blade and/or
the partially exposed and still expanding leaves and were varied by commencing
and ceasing defoliation at different times, by cutting the plants at different
heights, and by leaving some green leaf area on the plant. All defoliation
treatments, except the one in which only the fully exposed leaf-blade was
removed, resulted in delays in panicle initiation and anthesis. Defoliation
treatments terminating on the same date, yet commencing between the second and
fifth leaf stages, the latter just prior to panicle initiation in control
plants, gave the same delay to panicle initiation. Serial defoliation at
3–4-day intervals maintained the plants in a vegetative state.
Subsequent plant development and growth were associated with the morphology of
plants when defoliation was terminated, thus were influenced by the height at
which defoliation was performed. Plants defoliated above the first ligule took
longer to initiate reproductive development and re-formed bigger plants than
did those defoliated above the second ligule. Defoliation did not always
reduce the plant biomass at anthesis compared with that of control plants. We
interpret these responses as evidence that the signal to initiate reproductive
development in sorghum originates in the partially exposed expanding leaves
and possibly the leaf primordia, and that removal of those leaves resets the
plant’s developmental program to an earlier phase. For farmers of
rain-fed crops this is an exciting result, since it now seems likely that
post-sowing management, via defoliation, can be developed to control flowering
time and adjust the yield potential of crops in line with the amount of
in-crop rain.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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1 articles.