1. Barton, D. C., 1928, The Eötvös torsion balance method of mapping geologic structure:Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng., Tech. Pub. 50. New York. Reprinted in: AIME, 1929.Geophysical Prospecting. New York. 416–479.
2. Barton, D. C., 1929, The seismic method of mapping geologic structure: AIME, 1929.Geophysical Prospecting. New York, 572–624.
3. Blainey, G. N., 1968,The tyranny of distance. How distance shaped Australia’s history: Macmillan, Melbourne.
4. Broughton Edge, A. B., and Laby, T. H. (eds.) 1931,The principles and practice of geophysical prospecting, being the report of the Imperial Geophysical Experimental Survey: University Press, Cambridge.