1. Davis, L. W., 1980, The discovery of Elura and a brief summary of subsequent geophysical tests at the deposit: Exploration Geophysics, 11, 5–9. doi:10.1071/EG9804005
2. Keller, G. V., Caldwell, R. L., Dobrin, M. B., Holekamp, O. G., White, J. E., andZietz, I., 1966, Tour of petroleum geophysics activities in the U.S.S.R. Geophysics, 31. 630–637. doi:10.1190/1.1439801
3. Lee, T., and Lewis, R., 1974, Transient EM response of a large loop on a layered Ground: Geophysical Prospecting. 22, 430-444. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2478.1974.tb00097.x
4. Van’yan, L. L., Bobrovnikov, L. Z., Dadidov, V. M., Kuznetosov, A. N., Loshenitzina, V. L., Morozova, G. M., and Shtimmer, A. I. 1967, Electromagnetic depth soundings: Selected and translated by G. V. Keller, Consultants Bureau, New York.
5. Velikin A. B., Bulgakov Y. I., 1967, Induktivnaia elektrorazvedka metodom perekhodnykh protsessov s sovmeshennymi istochnikom i priemnikom polia (Inductive electrical prospecting by the method of transient processes with combined source and receiver): Nedra, Leningrad; 56 pp. (Can still be purchased from Amazon $32.50, 1 used, shipped from Uzbekistan).