Quirk and Schofield (1955) in their paper on the effect of electrolyte
concentration on soil permeability in relation to sodicity designated 2
concentrations: the threshold concentration, which
related to the first discernible effect on soil structure; and
the turbidity concentration, at which the dismantling of
the soil microstructure is indicated by the appearance of dispersed particles
in the percolate—this occurs when the electrolyte concentration is about
one-quarter of the threshold concentration.
This behaviour is explained in terms of clay domains,
which are assemblages of many clay particles in parallel alignment. Within a
clay domain, slit-shaped pores with surface separations about equal to the
thickness of clay crystals exist. When calcium is the dominant exchangeable
ion the clay domains are stable because where contiguous crystals overlap the
surfaces reside in a potential well as a result of strong attractive forces.
These attractive forces are similar to those responsible for the stability of
Camontmorillonite and Ca-vermiculite crystals.
A model of 3 clay crystals is used to illustrate how crystal interaction
within a clay domain, in terms of classical repulsive diffuse double-layer
forces and modern attractive forces, affect domain stability. Attention is
drawn to a misconception, now prevalent in the literature, which does not
recognise the basic significance of the turbidity concentration with respect
to microstructure and wrongly contends that the concentration of electrolyte
required to effect the dispersion to flocculation transition in soil
suspensions can be used for predicting the level of electrolyte required to
sustain soil permeability or infiltration rate in irrigation practice. It is
shown that the flocculation concentration is almost 8 times the turbidity
The application of the threshold concentration concept in irrigation practice
is discussed. It is demonstrated that the threshold and turbidity
concentration comfortably explain the behaviour of a heavy clay soil subjected
to border-check irrigation and Cajon sandy loam in Arizona.
Earth-Surface Processes,Soil Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
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