Trichostrogyles form rodents in Queensland, with comments on the genus Longistriata (Nematoda: Heligmosomatidae).


Mawson PM


Trichostrongyles have been studied from 85 rats belonging to eight species, of which two were from south Queensland and the rest from north Queensland, near Innisfail. Parasites identified from the intestine of the host are: Heligmosomatidae: Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Travassos) from Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, R. conatus, R. assimilis; Longistriata melomyos, sp. nov., from Melomys cervinipes, M. lutillus, Uromys caudimaculatus; L, uromyos, sp. nov., from Uromys caudimaculatus; L. brachybursa, sp. nov., from M. cervinipes, M. lutillus; L. polyrhabdote, sp. nov., from R. assimilis, M. lutillus; Heligmonoides mackerrasae, sp. nov., from M. cervinipes, M. lutillus, U. caudimaculatus; H. emanuelae, sp. nov., from R. assimilis, R. conatus; Austroheligmonema typicum, gen. et sp. nov., from R. assimilis; A. magnum, gen. et sp. nov., from R. assimilis, R. conatus, R. rattus, R. norvegicus, and M. cervinipes; Trichostrongylidae: Austrostrongylus hydromyos, sp. nov., and Peramelistrongylus skedastos Mawson from Hydromys chrysogaster. Two species (Trichostrongylidae) are described from the liver and peritoneum of the host: Hepatojarakus fasciatus, sp. nov., from R. assimilis and R. conatus, and H. pycnofasciatus, sp. nov., from R. assimilis and M. lutillus; Mastonema melomyos, gen. et sp. nov. (Heligmosomatidae), is described from the mammary gland of M. lutillus. A key is given to genera related to Longistriata Schulz and one to Longistriata spp. Notes are made on the definition of the genera Heligmonoides Baylis and Heligmonina Baylis; H. stellenboschius (Ortlepp) and H. vogeli Khalil, both previously attributed to Heligmonoides, are considered to belong to Heligmonina. The genera Nippostrongylus, Trifurcata, Tricholinstowia, Heligmonoides, Heligmospiroides, Heligmonina, and Longistriata are considered to form a natural group, to which belong also Austroheligmonema and Mastonema, and another new genus, Heligmobaylisia, which is proposed for the species Heligmonella jugatispicdum Sadovskaya, H. streptocerca Baylis, and H. vladimiri Sadovskaya. Longistriata cameroni, nom. nov., is proposed for L. cristata Cameron non Gedoelst.


CSIRO Publishing


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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