The histological natUl'e of resistance of barley seedlings to infection hy EI'!l8illhe rrl'wninis val'. hOl'de'i is woll understood. Infootion b~' this obligato pal'asito causos marked bioehemical changes in the hosL These changos al'e expressed in an increased l'ospimtory rate. The pattei'll of l'oHpirator,Y ehallgo is differont. and typical for tho varietal typos tested and may be correlated with the ebsorvecl histological changes. This inoreasod respimtion may woll he duo to t.he formatioll, oit.hor by t.ho pathogen or by tho host pathogen oombination, of an agellL which uncouples diroetly 01' indirectly the coneomitant phosphorylations normally limiting tho l'cRpiratory rate.
Developmental Biology,Endocrinology,Genetics,General Materials Science,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Reproductive Medicine,General Medicine,Biotechnology
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