A generalized van der Waals theory is derived on
the basis of simple physical and mathematical arguments. The derivation results
in a free- energy functional wherein the independent variable is a
coarse-grained particle density. It is assumed that a well defined particle
density dominates the free energy and this density is to be obtained by
minimizing the free energy functional. The variational theory so obtained can
be applied to non-uniform fluids. In the present work the possibility of stable
non-uniform structure is neglected and the theory is applied to uniform fluids.
It then produces an equation of state identical in form to that proposed
originally by van der Waals
but the excluded volume is only about half as large in the three-dimensional
case. Applications to several two- and three-dimensional systems indicate that
the new equation of state is a distinct improvement over the traditional van der Waals theory when the full
range of fluid densities is considered. The quantitative accuracy in the case
of simple uniform fluids is sufficient to warrant further development and
exploitation of the theory.
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90 articles.