Practical application of laparoscopic oviductal artificial insemination for the propagation of domestic cats and wild felids


Swanson William F.


AI was first reported in cats almost 50 years ago but, unlike AI in other domesticated animals (e.g. dogs, cattle, horses), has not been widely used for routine propagation by veterinarians or breeders. Anatomical and physiological challenges with cats have hindered the efficiency of AI using standardised transcervical approaches applied to other species. Development of laparoscopic oviductal AI (LO-AI) has helped overcome some of these barriers and, during the past 7 years, produced high pregnancy percentages (>70%) in domestic cats using both fresh collected and frozen–thawed semen and resulted in the birth of full-term offspring in three cat hereditary disease models and six wild cat species (ocelot, Pallas’s cat, fishing cat, sand cat, tiger, clouded leopard). The standard approach involves exogenous gonadotrophin treatment (typically equine chorionic gonadotrophin followed by porcine LH) to induce ovarian follicular growth and ovulation, with laparoscopic visualisation of the oviductal ostium for direct intraluminal insemination with low numbers of spermatozoa. Similar ovarian synchronisation and insemination approaches have been used with wild felids, but frequently must be refined on a species-by-species basis. From a practical perspective, LO-AI in domestic cats now has adequate efficiency for applied use as a reproductive service in veterinary practices that possess basic laparoscopy expertise.


CSIRO Publishing


Developmental Biology,Endocrinology,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Animal Science and Zoology,Reproductive Medicine,Biotechnology

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