Petroleum systems analysis of the northern Houtman Sub-basin


Hall Lisa,Grosjean Emmanuelle,Borissova Irina,Southby Chris,Owens Ryan,Bernardel George,Mitchell Cameron


Interpretation of newly acquired seismic data in the northern Houtman Sub-basin (Perth Basin) suggests the region contains potential source rocks similar to those in the producing Abrolhos Sub-basin. The regionally extensive late Permian–Early Triassic Kockatea Shale has the potential to contain the oil-prone Hovea Member source interval. Large Permian syn-rift half-graben, up to 10 km thick, are likely to contain a range of gas-prone source rocks. Further potential source rocks may be found in the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous succession, including the Cattamarra Coal Measures, Cadda shales and mixed sources within the Yarragadee Formation. This study investigated the possible maturity and charge history of these different source rocks. A regional pseudo-3D petroleum systems model was constructed using new seismic interpretations. Heat flow was modelled using crustal structure and possible basement composition determined from potential field modelling, and subsidence analysis was used to investigate lithospheric extension through time. The model was calibrated using temperature and maturity data from nine wells in the Houtman and Abrolhos sub-basins. Source rock properties are assigned based on an extensive review of total organic carbon, Rock Eval and kinetic data for the offshore northern Perth Basin. Petroleum systems analysis results show that Permian, Triassic and Early Jurassic source rocks may have generated large cumulative volumes of hydrocarbons across the northern Houtman Sub-basin, whereas the Middle Jurassic–Cretaceous sources remain largely immature. However, the timing of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion with respect to trap formation and structural reactivation is critical for the successful development and preservation of hydrocarbon accumulations.


CSIRO Publishing

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