The bridled nailtail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata), an
endangered macropod, has been reintroduced into the wild after a
captive-breeding program. As part of a management program to assess the risks
to its survival O. fraenata were trapped and examined
for ecto- and endoparasites. From February to September 1996, 55 wallabies
from Taunton National Park, central Queensland, some trapped more than once,
were visually examined for ectoparasites. The blood of 39
O. fraenata was tested for antibodies against
Toxoplasma gondii and
Echinococcus granulosus and a total of 82 faecal samples
were examined microscopically. In addition, in a second study a complete
carcase, three complete gastro-intestinal tracts, and a single stomach,
obtained from various sources, including Idalia National Park, were examined
for helminth parasites. The most prevalent ectoparasites were the
ticksAmbylomma triguttatum and
Haemaphysalis bancrofti. Other ectoparasites included
four species of trombiculid mites and a louse,
Heterodoxus sp. A single instance of the nippoboscid
fly, Ortholfersia minuta, was found. From the
serological surveys, antibodies against Toxoplasma and
Echinococcus were detected in 15% and 21%
respectively. No trematode or cestode eggs or protozoal cysts were found in
faeces. Nematode eggs had a prevalence of 92% with a mean egg density
of 500 eggs per gram. Strongyloides sp. (larvae) was the
most prevalent nematode in faeces. In the postmortem study, seven nematode
species (Cloacina polyxo,
Hypodontus macropi,
Labiostrongylus onychogale,
Macropostrongyloides baylisi,
Macropoxyuris sp.,
Rugopharynx australis and
Zoniolaimus buccalis) and four cestode species
(Progamotaenia bancrofti,
P. zschokkei, P. abietiformis and
larval E. granulosus) were found. Six of the nematode
species are new host records. The presence of infection with the introduced
parasites T. gondii and
E. granulosus, both recognised as serious pathogens, is
of management significance. Since the definitive hosts of these parasites are
cats and canids respectively, control of cat, dog and dingo populations within
the Park will lessen the incidence of infection with these parasites.
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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24 articles.