In the Supplementary Material of this issue, I give a bibliography of books and pamphlets in, or related to, mathematics in Australia, to 1960. It is as complete as possible, except for those omissions (notably, school books after 1900) that are described fully in the text. In particular, all higher degree theses in mathematics awarded by an Australian university (to 1960) are listed. This article describes the background to the compilation of the bibliography and observations drawn from it (and expanded upon) which relate to the history of Australian mathematics. In some respects, this article and its Supplementary Material may be considered to be an addendum to my book Counting Australia In: the People, Organisations and Institutions of Australian Mathematics (2006) published by Halstead Press, Sydney, for the Australian Mathematical Society.
Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Demography,Human Factors and Ergonomics,History and Philosophy of Science