The thermal decompositions
of isopropyl N,N-dimethylcarbamate and t- butyl N,N-dimethylcarbamate are shown to occur over the temperature
range 485-602 K through the reactions Me2NCO2Pri
→ Me2NH+CO2+MeCH=CH2
→ Me2NH+CO2+Me2C=CH2
which are described as
first-order unimolecular processes for which the rate equations are
isopropyl k = 1013.04exp(-181209/8.314T)
s-1 �t-butyl k = 1012.87exp(-157904/8.314T) s-1
For both carbamates these
rate equations describe the rates of formation of the amine and the appropriate
alkene but apparently overestimate the rate of carbon dioxide formation. The
discrepancy in the carbon dioxide data is explained in terms of the formation
of an amine-carbon dioxide adduct during the condensation stage of the
analyses. The adduct is described as an ammonium carbamate which undergoes
hydrolysis in solution to free the original amine. The existence of
transesterification in the gas phase is ruled out.
Cited by
4 articles.