Kotzamanidis S. Th.,Roupakias D. G.
Prediction of F3 population yield on the basis of the parental lines, the F1, and the F2 generation yield at low and high plant density was studied in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Six F1 crosses together with the 7 parental cultivars were evaluated under high plant density with adjacent check plots and under low plant density in a honeycomb design. In the following year, the 6 F2 populations together with the 7 parental lines were also evaluated at high plant density with adjacent check plots. In addition, the 6 F2s together with a check (cv. Athinaida) were evaluated at low plant density in a honeycomb design. During the third year, the 6 unselected F3 populations together with cv. Athinaida were evaluated under commercial cropping conditions in a randomised complete block design with 4 replications at 2 locations. It was found that yield performance of the F3 population could not be predicted by the mid-parental value (MPV). Similarly, the F3 population yield was not effectively predicted from the yield of the F1, F2, or F1+F2 generations when they were evaluated under high plant density. In contrast, the F3 population yield was predicted effectively from the yield of the F1, F2, or F1+F2 generations when they were evaluated at low plant density. The best results were obtained when the mean yield of the F1 and F2 generations was taken into consideration. It was concluded that low plant density increases the reliability of using F1 and F2 yield per plant in predicting the yield of the F3 populations in barley under crop environment.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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4 articles.