Investigation has been made of the influence of fibre number per unit area (N), cross-sectional area of fibre (A), and fibre length (L), on wool production per unit area of skin (W). The influence of the compound characters fibre volume (V) and proportion of skin area occupied by fibre (0) has also been considered. Methods are given whereby the significance of the variation associated with any one of these interacting components can be assessed. Data from four groups of lambs were analysed, each group having been subjected to a different nutritional regime. Slightly more than three-quarters of the variation induced in W by these treatments was due to variation in L, with N and A having negligible effects. No evidence was found that the relative influence of the components changed with change in level of production. Differences in W between lambs on the same nutritional level were influenced almost equally by variation in N and L, with A again having a negligible effect. Of the variation in W between positions on lambs, approximately 50 per cent. was accounted for by variation in N, 40 per cent. by variation in A, and 10 per cent. by variation in L. Variation of the compound character O accounted for nearly 90 per cent. of the variation in W over the body.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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17 articles.