1. Austin KA (1964) ‘The voyage of the Investigator.’ (Rigby: Adelaide, South Australia)
2. Baudin N (1974) ‘The Journal of Post Captain Nicolas Baudin, Commander in Chief of the Corvettes Geographe and Naturaliste’. Translation by C. Cornell. (Libraries Board of South Australia. Adelaide, South Australia)
3. A new record of the Western bristle-bird.;Emu,1945
4. Charnley W (1955) Two Peoples Bay (Western Australia). Some Impressions of Early Seamen. Walkabout, 17–18 June 1955.
5. Cross J (Ed.) (1833) ‘Journals of Several Expeditions made in Western Australia during the years 1829, 1830, 1831 and 1832.’ (J. Cross: London)