The structure of mer-trans-(PPri3)2(PH3)H-trans-Cl2IrIII (1) (Pri = isopropyl), the second third-row transition-metal-PH3 complex to be so characterized, has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Crystals are monoclinic, space group C 2/c with a 21.701(2), b 8.735(1), c 15.594(1) Ǻ, β 119.57(1)° and Z 4. Structure refinement by full-matrix least-squares analysis (2811 reflections, 113 parameters) converged with R = 0.016 and Rw = 0.022. Molecules exhibit crystallographically imposed C2 symmetry. The C2 axis passes through the iridium, hydride and PH3 phosphorus atoms, and requires the PH3 hydrogen atoms to be disordered. Important molecular dimensions are Ir-PPri3 2.371(1) Ǻ, Ir-PH3 2.362(1) Ǻ, Ir-Cl 2.374(1) Ǻ and P- Ir -P(trans) 163.21(3)°.
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