Bárcena Volcano, 1952: a 60-year report on the repopulation of San Benedicto Island, Mexico, with a review of the ecological impacts of disastrous events


Brattstrom Bayard H.


Long-term ecological studies are desirable, but rare. I here present data from a 60-year study on the repopulation of San Benedicto Island following a volcano eruption in 1952. Bárcena Volcano appeared on 1 August 1952 on San Benedicto Island, Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico. Within 20 min, the entire island was engulfed in a cloud of ash and pumice, which covered all the plants, killed an estimated 20 000 sea birds within hours and caused the subsequent extinction of an endemic race of rock wren (Salpinctes obsoleta exsul). The results of studies on revegetation and repopulation of the island for the first 10 years after the volcanic eruption were summarised by Brattstrom in 1963. This report extends the studies to 2012. The distribution of the land crab (Aegecarcinus planatus) has increased on the island. By 1971 the crab occurred only over the northern one-eighth of the island, but by 1978 it could be found on one-third of the island. No studies on its distribution have been made since then. Total sea bird populations steadily increased up to 1971 and then rapidly declined, though these changes in numbers are largely due to a fluctuation in the populations of the masked booby (Sula dactylatra). The changes in the booby population may have been due to reproductive and feeding success or to immigration and emigration. The decline in the shearwater (Puffinus ssp.) populations are largely due to erosion and destruction of their burrows; their numbers did not increase until 2000. The formation of a large lava delta created a new habitat, which permitted the establishment of a species of sea bird new to the island, the red-footed booby (Sula sula). Numerous non-resident waifs or stray birds have been observed on the island but most have not become established. The exception is the Laysan albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis), breeding at present in low (3–712) numbers. The original flora consisted of 10 species. The volcano caused four species to become extinct, two re-established themselves, and two species new to the island arrived. There have been marked erosional changes, and the accidental introduction of exotic plants may dramatically alter the vegetation of the island.


CSIRO Publishing


Nature and Landscape Conservation,Ecology

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