High-reliability organisations are those, such as
within the aviation industry, which operate in complex,
hazardous environments and yet despite this
are able to balance safety and effectiveness. Crew
resource management (CRM) training is used to
improve the non-technical skills of aviation crews
and other high-reliability teams. To date, CRM
within the health sector has been restricted to use
with ?crisis teams? and ?crisis events?. The purpose
of this discussion paper is to examine the
application of CRM to acute, ward-based multidisciplinary
health care teams and more broadly to
argue for the repositioning of health-based CRM
to address effective everyday function, of which
?crisis events? form just one part. It is argued that
CRM methodology could be applied to evaluate
ward-based health care teams and design nontechnical
skills training to increase their efficacy,
promote better patient outcomes, and facilitate a
range of positive personal and organisational level
Cited by
11 articles.