1. Bishop, J.R., 1989, An Evaluation of Geophysical Test Surveys over the Flying Doctor Prospect, Broken Hill: Unpublished report commissioned by Pasminco Mining Ltd.
2. Boggs, D.B., 1999, The theory and application of sub-audio magnetic data acquisition and numeric modelling: Ph.D. thesis (unpublished), University of New England.
3. Cattach, M.K., 1996, Sub-audio magnetics (SAM) – A high resolution geophysical technique for simultaneously mapping electrical and magnetic properties of the earth: Ph.D. thesis (unpublished), University of New England.
4. Howland-Rose, A.W., 1978, A progress report on rapid reconnaissance magnetic induced polarization surveys over exploration leases at Broken Hill, New South Wales: Unpublished report on behalf of Amdex Mining Limited. Phase I - E.L. 744. Scintrex Research Report.
5. Larsen, D.H., 1993, Flying Doctor Geological Plan: Unpublished map provided by Pasminco Mining Ltd.