Impact of environmental factors on survival of larval and juvenile Cape anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (G.) in the southern Benguela upwelling region, determined from hatchdate distributions: implications for recruitment


Wilhelm M. R.,Painting S. J.,Field J. G.,Kerstan M.,Durholtz M. D.


March larval and May juvenile Cape anchovy of the unusually strong 1999/2000 year-class were collected off South Africa. Age estimates were obtained from daily increment counts on otoliths using light microscopy for March larvae (14–70 mm standard length, SL, n = 193, 92% success rate), and scanning electron microscopy for May juveniles (52–110 mm SL, n = 80, 22% success rate). Differences between March and May hatchdate distributions were related to the prevailing temperatures. March larval hatchdate distributions showed slight modes in October/November 1999 and January/February 2000, each a month later than May juvenile hatchdate distributions (September/October and November/December). Thus, mortality rates of larvae hatched after mid-December seem to have been higher. Large areas of warm water (19–26°C sea surface temperature) on the Agulhas Bank, mid-November 1999 to March 2000, indicated conditions conducive to spawning and reduced offshore advection of spawning products. A period of strong upwelling, March to May 2000, is likely to have increased availability of planktonic food for older larvae; also causing offshore dispersal of younger larvae and food patches required by these, possibly leading to starvation mortality of younger larvae during strong upwelling. The critical period thus seemed to be later than at first-feeding.


CSIRO Publishing


Ecology,Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Oceanography







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