Observations have been made during three summers on the ecology and
behaviour of the bogong moth, Agrotis infusa (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae),
which occurs in large assemblages at altitudes above about 4000 ft
in the Australian Alps. Moths of the spring generation migrate to the, mountains,
where they aestivate gregariously in crevices and small caves in certain
rock outcrops at or near the mountain summits. Many of these moth "camps"
are occupied annually from early November until early April. In the late
summer and autumn, the moths migrate back to their breeding grounds.
A small proportion of the aestivating moths became intensely active for
a period of about an hour just after sunset and just before sunrise each day,
when they indulged in a random flight over the outcrops. Activity appeared
to be initiated by rapidly changing light intensity, and was accompanied by
pigment migration in the eyes of the moths. Food was not sought when the
moths were active, although the feeding response was sometinles elicited if
they happened to settle on sugary food. However, moisture from rain or dew
was apparently ingested as required.
Without exception the aestivating moths had not copulated and their
ovaries were immature. Their fat-body was well developed and a series of
estimations during the summer and autumn showed that the average fat
content of the abdomens of males exceeded 61 per cent, and of females 51
per cent, of their dry weight.
Attacks by various predators on the aestivating moths seemed to be unimportant,
but a mermithid nematode caused some mortality when its larvae
emerged from parasitized moths in midsummer. This parasite appeared to be
confined to the moth camps, where its life cycle has been adapted to the
aestivating habit of its host.
Mature larvae of A. infusa were collected during the late winter and
early spring of 1952 in pastures over a wide area of New South Wales. They
were most abundant on heavy soils on the Western Slopes and Plains and
caused serious damage to linseed crops in the north of the State and in
southern Queensland. The main areas of heavy, self-mulching soils, where the
large moth populations are believed to originate, have been broadly defined.
Although A. infusa is a multivoltine species, there is evidence that a
facultative diapause occurs in the adults of the spring generation. This, together
with migration, enables most of the adult population to avoid the
breeding grounds during the summer, when the pastures are dominated by
perennial grasses unpalatable to the larvae. The same individuals return to
the breeding grounds in the late summer and autumn, when the dicotyledonous
annuals upon which the larvae feed have germinated.
Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics