1. Committee for the Magnetic Anomaly Map of North America, 1987, Magnetic Anomaly Map of North America, 4 sheets, scale 1:5 000 000, Geological Survey of America.
2. Johnson, A. C., and von Frese, R.R.B., 1996, Report of the Working Group on the Antarctic digital magnetic anomaly map, British Antarctic Survey.
3. Meyer. J. F., and Saltus. R. W., 1995, Merged Aeromagnetic Map of Interior Alaska: U.U. Geological Survey Map GP–1014, scale 1:500,000.
4. Reeves. C.V., and Erren, H., 1994, AAIME, Aeromagnetics of Arabia, India and the Middle East, International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, unpublished.
5. Tarlowski, C., Milligan, P.R., and Mackey, T.E., 1996, Magnetic Anomaly Map of Australia (2nd edition), scale 1:5 000 000, Australian Geological Survey Organisation.