Evans J.,McNeill A. M.,Unkovich M. J.,Fettell N. A.,Heenan D. P.
The removal of nitrogen (N) in grain cereal and canola crops in Australia
exceeds 0.3 million t N/year and is increasing with improvements in
average crop yields. Although N fertiliser applications to cereals are also
rising, N2-fixing legumes still play a pivotal role
through inputs of biologically fixed N in crop and pasture systems. This
review collates Australian data on the effects of grain legume
N2 fixation, the net N balance of legume cropping,
summarises trends in the soil N balance in grain legume–cereal
rotations, and evaluates the direct contribution of grain legume stubble and
root N to wheat production in southern Australia.
The net effect of grain legume N2 fixation on the soil N
balance, i.e. the difference between fixed N and N harvested in legume grain
(Nadd) ranges widely, viz. lupin
–29–247 kg N/ha (mean 80), pea –46–181 kg N/ha
(mean 40), chickpea –67–102 kg N/ha (mean 6), and faba bean
8–271 kg N/ha (mean 113). Nadd is found to be
related to the amount (Nfix) and proportion
(Pfix) of crop N derived from N2
fixation, but not to legume grain yield (GY). When Nfix
exceeded 30 (lupin), 39 (pea) and 49 (chickpea) kg N/ha the N balance was
frequently positive, averaging 0.60 kg N/kg of N fixed. Since
Nfix increased with shoot dry matter (SDM) (21 kg N
fixed/t SDM; pea and lupin) and Pfix (pea, lupin and
chickpea), increases in SDM and Pfix usually increased
the legume’s effect on soil N balance.
Additive effects of SDM, Pfix and GY explained most
(R2 = 0.87) of the
variation in Nadd. Using crop-specific models based on
these parameters the average effects of grain legumes on soil N balance across
Australia were estimated to be 88 (lupin), 44 (pea) and 18 (chickpea) kg
N/ha. Values of Nadd for the combined legumes were
47 kg N/ha in south-eastern Australia and 90 kg N/ha in south-western
Australia. The average net N input from lupin crops was estimated to increase
from 61 to 79 kg N/ha as annual rainfall rose from 445 to 627 mm across 3
shires in the south-east. The comparative average input from pea was 37 to 47
kg N/ha with least input in the higher rainfall shires. When the effects
of legumes on soil N balance in south-eastern Australia were compared with
average amounts of N removed in wheat grain, pea–wheat (1:1) sequences
were considered less sustainable for N than lupin–wheat (1:1) sequences,
while in south-western Australia the latter were considered sustainable.
Nitrogen mineralised from lupin residues was estimated to contribute
40% of the N in the average grain yield of a following wheat crop, and
that from pea residues, 15–30%; respectively, about 25 and 15 kg
N/ha. Therefore, it was concluded that the majority of wheat N must be
obtained from pre-existing soil sources. As the amounts above represented only
25–35% of the total N added to soil by grain legumes, the
residual amount of N in legume residues is likely to be important in
sustaining those pre-existing soil sources of N.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Cited by
108 articles.