The kinetics and product
olefins arising from E2C-like elimination reactions of secondary
bromides and tosylates having various alkyl and
conjugating substituents at Cα and Cβ are re-examined in the light of the
theoretical Pross-Shaik valence-bond model and the
apparent lack of a β-phenyl effect. Comparison of the effect of
substituents at Cα and Cβ
shows that whilst there are differences in reactivity and products of E2C
reactions there is also a large degree of double-bond character in the
transition state. There is a good correlation between the kinetics of E2C
reactions and the double-bond stabilization energy arising from both alkyl and
conjugating substituents. Contributing valence-bond structures, giving
asymmetry and partial charge at Cα and Cβ appear to vary in importance according to
leaving group and substituent type.
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3 articles.