Preliminary comparisons of several annual Trifolium species on Kangaroo Island, South Australia


Beale PE,Crawford EJ


The growth and persistence of a number of accessions of seven species of Trifolium were measured. For the first three years the plots were grazed only to remove excess herbage after sampling. For the following three years they were grazed continuously under commercial conditions. In ungrazed swards the annual dry matter production of accessions of T. cherleri, T. globosum, and T. purpureurn was similar to T. subterraneum cultivars Yarloop and Woogenellup. T. cherleri, T. globosum, and Woogenellup made the bulk of their growth during the spring whereas T. purpureum and Yarloop produced half of their total dry matter during the winter. Good plant densities of T. argutum, T. cherleri, T. purpureum, and T. subterraneum were present at the end of three years continuous grazing, but Woogenellup and all other species were markedly inferior to Yarloop in their contribution to total production at the end of this period. Yarloop and T. purpureum were found to be very susceptible to clover scorch (Kabatiella caulivora) ; Woogenellup was moderately susceptible and the other species were unaffected in the field. All test species had low levels of formononetin in their leaves.


CSIRO Publishing


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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