Variation during breeding in parameters that influence blood oxygen carrying capacity in shearwaters


Davey Cristina,Lill Alan,Baldwin John


Parameters that influence blood oxygen carrying capacity (whole-blood haemoglobin content, haematocrit and red blood cell count) were measured in samples of 30 breeding, adult short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) on Phillip Island, Victoria at seven key stages of their reproductive cycle. The aim of the investigation was to determine whether variation in blood oxygen carrying capacity during the birds’ 7-month breeding cycle was correlated with variation in the energy demands they experienced or was an incidental by-product of other physiological changes. All the blood parameters varied significantly during breeding, but the pattern of variation was only partly correlated with the likely pattern of changing energy demand imposed on parents by their schedule of breeding activities. The main trend conceivably related to energy demand was that significantly higher values were recorded for these blood parameters during the nestling stage than earlier in the breeding cycle. This could have reflected the high costs of the very long foraging trips undertaken by parents feeding nestlings, but it could also have occurred in preparation for the long migration undertaken soon after breeding finished. It involved an ~10% increase in blood oxygen carrying capacity above the lowest mean value recorded during the breeding cycle and so other mechanisms must also be employed to achieve the increase in aerobic metabolism likely to be required at this stage. The lack of adjustment of blood oxygen carrying capacity to energy demand early in the breeding cycle suggests that either oxygen delivery was not a rate-limiting process for aerobic metabolism at that time or that delivery was enhanced through other mechanisms. At egg laying, females had a lower haematocrit and erythrocyte count than males, which could be attributable to either estrogenic suppression of erythropoiesis or an increase in osmotic pressure of the blood associated with yolk synthesis. Immature, non-breeding birds attending the colony were of similar mass to adults, but did not show the increase in the parameters determining blood oxygen carrying capacity that occurred in adults later in the breeding cycle. Factors other than changing energy requirements (dehydration, burrow hypoxia and differential responsiveness to capture stress) that might have influenced the pattern of variation in blood oxygen carrying capacity of adults during breeding are discussed.


CSIRO Publishing


Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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