Barbour Leonard J.,Belfield Sarah J.,Junk Peter C.,Smith Matthew K.
Syntheses and single-crystal X-ray structure determinations are reported for a
number of adducts of bismuth(III) nitrate with the aromatic bidentate base
systems 2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) or 1,10-phenanthroline (phen). With bpy, a
mononuclear 1 : 2 adduct is formed,
isomorphous with its rare earth counterparts, orthorhombic,
Pbcn, a 16·7634(8),
b 8·9970(4), c
15·0099(7) Å, Z = 4, conventional
R on |F|
0·029 for No 2502
independent ‘observed’ reflections. The Bi centre is 10-coordinate
with two bidentate N-base ligands and three bidentate nitrate ligands. With
phen the 10-coordinate 1 : 2 adduct
was readily obtained, while the 1 : 1 adduct proved elusive and a
hydroxide-bridged dimer
with eight-coordinate Bi centres was the sole product from all crystallization
is monoclinic, C2/c,
a 11·258(5), b
17·847(4), c 13·044(5) Å, β
100·78(4)°, Z = 4,
R 0·063 for
No 1958, again isomorphous with
its rare earth counterparts;
is triclinic, P-1,
a 8·3251(6), b
8·6315(6), c 10·7650(8) Å, α
111·120(1), β 93·486(1), γ 102·364(1)°,
Z = 1, dimer, R
0·024 for No 2965. In all
syntheses, dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso) was used as the supporting solvent; the
structure determination of the dmso adduct
is also recorded where the Bi centre is nine-coordinate with three bidentate
nitrate ligands and three O-bound dmso ligands:
a 11·4136(6), b
12·6682(7), c 13·4959(7) Å, β
100·209(1)°, Z = 4,
R 0·026 for
No 4214.