Analysis of Internal and External Factors Affecting Liquid Chemical Cargo Port Efficiency


Yüksekyıldız Ercan1ORCID


1. Samsun University, Faculty of Political Sciences


The measurement of port efficiency is a crucial requirement in the maritime sector and has been the subject of numerous studies due to its direct impact on international trade. The methods used to determine port efficiency vary depending on the characteristics of the operations under investigation. Depending on which port operations are assessed, port adequacy can be measured in various ways. In the literature, it is evident that port efficiencies are mostly determined using numerical methods. However, when analyzing port efficiency, measuring it solely through numerical processes can lead to misleading results in some cases. To avoid this, it is necessary to analyze non-numerical internal and external factors that affect port efficiency. In this study, non-numerical internal and external factors influencing port efficiency in liquid chemical cargo ports were identified through a literature review and by experts. The identified factors were evaluated through surveys conducted with experts specializing in liquid chemical cargo ports. The survey results were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 statistical software. According to the results obtained from the surveys, factors such as the location and dimensions of the port area, the adequacy of hinterland connections and logistic facilities, well-organized physical surroundings of the port, the use of technological innovations, and the proper functioning of the quality control system were identified as significant factors affecting port efficiency. In addition to these factors, accurate job analysis in the port, satisfactory wages, sufficient education levels, and morale of port personnel were also found to be crucial factors influencing port efficiency.


Ordu University

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