The experience of developing a "good training task" for forming universal educational actions of the students at informatics lessons


Lobanova T. Yu.1,Lobanov A. A.2


1. Angarsk Lyceum 1

2. Open School


The article describes the experience of creating "good training tasks" on informatics for forming universal educational actions of students. The novelty of the presented approach is that any informatics teacher who teaches at the level of basic general education with any teaching kit can apply the developed system of tasks for monitoring universal educational actions, since all tasks will be developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. With the successful implementation of experience, each teacher will receive an effective mechanism for forming universal educational actions of students. Having at hand the optimal selection of didactic tools in the form of tasks created and developed by the teacher will allow the teacher to develop systematically the basic universal educational actions of students from lesson to lesson.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Engineering

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