1. V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
The article is devoted to the study of foreign and domestic experience in using augmented reality applications in classes in various disciplines, including tools that a teacher can use in everyday activities to increase the effectiveness of teaching school curriculum subjects. The review of modern mobile applications with augmented reality elements suitable for use in the educational process is presented. For example, the article describes the applications Quiver and Animal AR 3D Safari for kids; Surface math AR, Geometry — Augmented Reality, AR Geometry applications for studying mathematics; AR Human Atlas, Anatomy AR Book for studying medicine; Mondly AR for studying foreign languages. The new technology Merge Cube (a hologram in pupils' hands), which is used in applications Mr. Body and AR Medical to study anatomy, Galaxy Explorer to study the solar system, Museum Viewer to visit a virtual museum and study history is described in the article. The availability of augmented reality technology for use in the educational process is demonstrated on the basis of constructors such as HP Reveal, CoSpaces Edu and EV Toolbox. For example, HP Reveal and CoSpaces Edu were used to create interactive content such as video content and a dynamic animal gallery to explore the world around. CoSpaces Edu was used for creating interactive dialogs in English based on elements of block visual programming. EV Toolbox was used to create the simple application that was the project based on marker technology to study the history of the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University.
Publishing House Education and Informatics
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