Digital transforma tion of the process of "Monitoring the assimila tion of the content of the standard curriculum of preschool education and training"


Shevchuk E. V.1,Martynov G. P.1,Aitymova A. М.2


1. Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

2. Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University


The article considers new methods and technologies for improving the process of centralized monitoring of the quality of education and training on the example of preschool educational institutions in Kazakhstan. General principles and approaches to the digital transformation of educational processes are proposed. The concept of "managing the process of monitoring the level of formation of competencies of preschool children" has been formalized in the context of digital transformation, taking into account the specifics of the Kazakhstan model of education. A model and algorithm for modifying the scale for assessing the level of competency development is proposed. A prototype of the monitoring process management system for mastering the content of a typical curriculum for preschool education and training, implemented using the technologies of production expert systems, the functionality of which includes the automated generation of a digital individual map of the child's development and recommendations for individual corrective work with the child, is presented.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Engineering

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