Educational software environment for studying algorithms for constructing and processing of AVL trees


Smirnova S. A.1


1. Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky


The article describes the educational software environment as an effective way to study the algorithms for constructing and processing AVL trees. The methodological basis for the creation and application of the training program were the works of P. Ya. Galperin and N. F. Talyzina on the phased formation of mental actions. The curriculum presented in the article helps to implement the stages aimed at drawing up the scheme of the indicative basis of the action, forming the action in a materialized form and translating the external action into the internal one. The software environment consists of five sections: theoretical, training, control and two simulators. The theoretical section contains background information with examples, schemes and drawings. The "Training" section consists of five tabs that allow you to choose a detailed step-by-step construction of an AVL tree with a graphical representation and comments. The "Simulators" section includes two simulators — "Balance" and "Turns", work in them is carried out with a randomly generated tree. To assess learning outcomes, you can use the "Test" section, in which test questions are randomly generated and the results of the test are automatically checked. The use of the educational software environment "AVL-trees" in the educational process will allow to organize independent cognitive activity of students; to ensure individual control of learning outcomes mastering; to implement the principle of visibility in teaching through modeling of the objects under study.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Engineering

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