Web quests as a means of forming digital competence of schoolchildren


Vaseva E. S.1,Grebneva D. M.2,Buzhinskaya N. V.3


1. School 61; Nizhny Tagil State Socio-Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

2. Lyceum; Nizhny Tagil State Socio-Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

3. Nizhny Tagil State Socio-Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University


One of the main tasks of the modern school is the formation of a person with a sufficient level of digital competence. The formation of digital competence of schoolchildren will be facilitated by the inclusion of modern information and communication technologies in training as a subject of study, a means of interaction between participants in the educational process, a means of solving educational problems and planning educational activities. The use of a web quest at informatics lessons or for organizing independent work of students allows you to create conditions for the use of information and communication technologies in all the indicated aspects.The article describes an example of developing a web quest on the theme "Possibilities of the Python programming language in working with positional number systems" for students of 8th grade. This example made it possible to formulate general requirements for the structure of the web quest, for the information resource developed to accompany the web quest, for the forms of organizing the interaction of participants in the educational process, for ways of presenting the results of the work of students, for assessment procedures.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Engineering

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