Formation of functional literacy in informatics lessons when studying Programming at the level of basic general education


Troegubova S. V.1


1. Liceum 82


The article describes aspects of the methodology for teaching programming through the compilation of algorithms and programs for information processes that are in demand in the modern world of information technology. For example, programming the process of user authorization in the system using login and password, creating a group chat, a text bot that supports conversation — all these tasks are perceived by students as familiar. As a result, students' motivation and interest in learning programming increases and they are willing to solve these problems, mastering the basic algorithmic constructs of the Python programming language. This approach helps to better understand the work of a programmer in creating and developing programs, contributes to the development of functional literacy of students, as well as effective interaction between teachers and the younger generation in modern conditions of informatization and digitalization.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Engineering

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