1. Pushkin Leningrad State University
The purpose of the article is to identify possible directions for the development of the content of the school informatics course in the era of digital transformations for the formation of digital literacy of students. The study is based on the results of the analysis of approximate basic educational programs of secondary general education in the aspect of the planned personal, metasubject and subject learning outcomes, including in the study of informatics, a review of the content of school textbooks on informatics, scientific developments in the field of teaching informatics by domestic and foreign authors, generalization existing pedagogical experience in teaching informatics in different countries. The authors define digital literacy as an interdisciplinary educational result and substantiate the leading role of informatics in its development. The authors indicate the directions for the development of informatics in schools in various areas of digital literacy (hardware and software fundamentals, information literacy, digital content creation, security, problem solving, career competencies). The authors talk about a new section of school informatics, "Fundamentals of digital literacy and cybersecurity". which consistently and systematically demonstrates to students the changes caused by digital innovation. The authors indicate the possible content of this section. This is a new, valuable and practically significant material for domestic and foreign school education. A detailed description of digital reality in a school informatics course allows us to model the development of students' digital literacy and establish criteria and indicators for its assessment in various situations: from motivation to mastering digital literacy, acquiring digital skills with a general way of performing educational actions and on the subject content of a school informatics course to meaningful and the systematic practical use of digital skills.
Publishing House Education and Informatics
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