Feedback as a form of control in a technogenic educational environment


Kharlamenko I. V.1ORCID,Vonog V. V.2ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Siberian Federal University


The article is devoted to control and feedback in foreign language teaching in a technogenic environment. The educational process is transformed in terms of the implementation and active use of digital technologies. ICT-rich environment provides new models of interaction between the teacher, students and digital tools. It also enriches the diversity of tasks and expands the range of possible forms of control and feedback. According to the authors, automated evaluation takes place both in out-of-classroom activities and directly in the classroom using Bring Your Own Device technology (BYOD). Automated control contributes to the intensity of the educational process. It provides all the participants with an opportunity to choose a convenient mode of work and get instant feedback, thereby allowing self-assessment and self-reflection of their own actions. When teaching foreign languages, special attention should be paid to chatbot technology. Chatbots imitate human actions and are able to perform standard repetitive tasks. The growing popularity of bots is explained by a wide range of usage spheres and the ability to integrate chatbots into social networks and mobile technologies. In the technogenic educational environment, ICT can be the basis for interaction, co-editing and peer assessment in collaborative projects. In this case, students receive feedback not only from the teacher, but also from other students, which increases the motivation for independent learning. Thus, automated control, self-assessment and peer assessment can both identify problem areas for each student and design an individual learning path, which increases the effectiveness of learning a foreign language.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Medicine

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