1. Federal’nye gosudarstvennye obrazovatel’nye standar-ty vysshego obrazovaniya (3++) po napravleniyam bakalavria-ta [Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education (3++) in Bachelor’s Degree areas]. (In Russian.) Available at: http://fgosvo.ru/fgosvo/151/150/24
2. Black D. R., Weinberg L. A., Brodwin M. G. Universal design for instruction and learning: A pilot study of faculty instructional methods and attitudes related to students with disabilities in higher education. Exceptionality Education International, 2014, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 48-64. DOI: 10.5206/eei.v24i1.7710
3. The UDL Guidelines. Available at: http://udlguidelines. cast.org
4. Roberts K. D., Park H. J., Brown S., Cook B. Universal design for instruction in postsecondary education: A systematic review of empirically based articles. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 2011, vol. 24, is. 1, p. 5-15. Available at: http://www.ahead-archive.org/uploads/publications/JPED/jped_24_1/JPED%2024_1%20FINAL%20DOCUMENT.pdf
5. Schelly C. L., Davies P. L., Spooner C. L. Student perceptions of faculty implementation of universal design for learning. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 2011, vol. 24, is. 1, p. 17-30. Available at: http://www.ahead-archive.org/uploads/publications/JPED/jped_24_1/JPED%2024_1%20FINAL%20DOCUMENT.pdf