Qualimetric model of maturity of competencies for graduates of basic educational programs


Taranukha S. N.1ORCID,Kuzmin A. A.1ORCID,Saveleva M. N.1ORCID


1. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


The rapid growth of education digitalization has significantly increased the role of the electronic information educational environment of educational organizations. It has become the basic tool for organizing, maintaining and administering the educational process. The electronic information educational environment of an educational organization should ensure the recording of the progress of the educational process and the results of mastering the main professional educational program, i. e. competencies, based on the results of intermediate certification carried out in the distance learning system integrated into the electronic information educational environment. The article considers the application of qualimetric approaches in the assessment of the quality of graduate competencies in the implementation of higher education programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education 3++. The mathematical model of evaluation of the results of mastering the graduate program (competence forming) depending on the contribution of academic disciplines to the formation of each competence is proposed. Two methods of result evaluation are considered: as an arithmetic average and as a weighted value from the obtained evaluations in the disciplines forming this competency, as well as the possibility of monitoring the formation of competency in the process of mastering academic disciplines and entering the results of intermediate attestation into the electronic portfolio of the student. Assessment of the formation of competencies can be the next stage in the development of the student’s electronic portfolio, which is part of the electronic information educational environment.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Medicine

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