Hard and light gamification in education: Which one to choose?


Karmanova E. V.1ORCID,Shelemetyeva V. A.1ORCID


1. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University


The article is devoted to the implementation of gamification methods in the educational process. The characteristic features of light and hard gamification are presented. The appropriateness of using gamification when applying e-learning technology is considered. Classification of courses based on hard gamification taking into account the technological features of development is proposed: courses-presentations, courses — computer games, VR/AR courses. The article also illustrates the use of various game elements of easy gamification using the example of the module “Level up! — Gamification” of the Moodle LMS. The capabilities of this module can be used in an electronic course by any teacher who has the skills of working with the Moodle.The authors present the analysis of the development of a training course in sales techniques using hard and light gamification technologies, where the course development was assessed for its complexity, manufacturability, and resource requirements. The results of the analysis showed that the development of courses using hard gamification requires much more financial and time-consuming than the development of courses using light gamification.The article evaluates the results of the educational intensiveness intense “Island 10–22”, held in July 2019 in Skolkovo, in which 100 university teams, teams of research and educational centers, teams of schoolchildren — winners of competitions, olympiads, hackathons (“Young Talents”) participated. The results of the intense confirmed the effectiveness of the use of light gamification methods in adult training. Thus, the conclusions presented in the article reveal a number of advantages that light gamification has in comparison with hard gamification.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Medicine

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