Power Query: The formation of professional competencies of a business analyst


Nazarov D. M.1ORCID,Nazarov A. D.1ORCID


1. Ural State University of Economics


The article is a description of the Power Query technology training methodology implemented within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education 3++ taking into account professional standards in the direction of the bachelor’s program “Business Informatics”. The authors propose a set of laboratory works in the form of situational tasks and cases that allow to create professional competencies and labor functions of a future specialist (business analyst) as part of the development of the ETL process for processing data using Power Query technology. The use of situational tasks and cases allows to effectively implement the development of a set of professional competencies, which are elements of generalized labor functions, without tying the material in question specifically to any discipline. As part of the implementation of situational tasks and cases described in the article, bachelors not only learn to use the basic elements of Power Query technology, but also gain the skills and abilities associated with the application of the studied technology in performing standard professional tasks stipulated by a professional standard. The format for describing the methodology is presented in the form of the traditional “Key-by-Key” technology, widely used in obtaining professional IT competencies.


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Medicine

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