The genesis of IT tools in making management decisions of the university admission committee


Zubrilin А. А.1ORCID,Pautkina О. I.1ORCID


1. Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after M. E. Evsevjev


The article discusses the issue of the dynamics of changes in IT tools that have been and are used to make management decisions in the work of the university admission committee. The main directions of the work of the admission committee are highlighted: organizational and methodological, technological, the actual admission campaign and generalization, as the final stage at which the results of the admission campaign are summed up. The features of each of the directions are highlighted and the IT tools that were used for them are indicated. It is shown that over the past two decades, IT tools have undergone drastic changes, which are associated with an increase in the functionality of the admission committee. Arguments are given in support of the thesis that the solution for automating the management activities of the university, in particular for the admission campaign, over the past years has been a domestic software on the 1C:Enterprise platform — the 1C:University system. The article presents the stage-by-stage coordination of the admission campaign — from planning and forming the required list of documents (application of the applicant, receipt, examination sheets) to processing information about entrance examinations and USE results, forming enrollment orders. It is shown that the 1C:University system occupies an important place in the automation of many processes taking place in the admission office of the university. Online services that are important for the organization of the admission campaign are described. 


Publishing House Education and Informatics


General Medicine

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