1. Kazan Federal University
In the modern world, the introduction of digital innovative technologies in the learning process is one of the urgent directions in improving the methods of teaching foreign languages. In the new educational paradigm, students become active participants in the design of disciplines and curricula. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of organizing project work on a mobile dictionary in German using corpus technologies.This pedagogical experiment was attended by 30 4th–5th year students of Kazan Federal University, studying in the direction 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)”. In the course of the study, project work was carried out to create a multifunctional dictionary in German on the topic “Feste und Bräuche” (“Holidays and Customs”), the use of corpus technologies inits compilation by students using the EduScrum method was revealed. A detailed sprint algorithm, a dictionary entry template, an overview of constructors for compiling training tasks are described. A list of recommended German text corpora for inclusion in a dictionary entry is given. A comprehensive description of the lexeme with the involvement of ethnoculturological and collocation components allows you to get detailed information about the word, and the methodological part makes it possible to consolidate the language material on the project topic. The advantages of using the EduScrum method for developing project work in the classroom are noted. The survey conducted after experimental training reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the project, the attitude of the participants to the creation of a dictionary. The effectiveness of the use of services and platforms when compiling a dictionary entry and methodological part is assessed. The results obtained confirm the effectiveness of using digital innovative technologies in compiling a dictionary. The project, carried out using corpus technologies according to the EduScrum method, contributes to the development of the components of the 4Сs model (Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, and Creativity) in students, stimulates collaboration and communication in a group, allows a critical approach to the choice of material for creating a dictionary entry, reveals creative potential in the development of training exercises. The analysis of the results obtained contributes to the methodology of teaching foreign languages and can serve as a vector for the development of teaching materials.
Publishing House Education and Informatics